2023 Week 5 Term 3
Dear God, keep me strong and healthy in body, mind and spirit.
When I draw close to you, you add your strength to mine. You help me cope. You guide me. You comfort me. You strengthen me.
I pray that you will continue to develop in me the graces that create emotional wellness.
Guide me to use and express my emotions in appropriate and healthy ways.
Show me how to handle stress. Guide me how to keep my life balanced.
Open my eyes to activities that can replenish my mind and spirit.
Connect me with others in meaningful ways. Deepen my friendships, strengthen my family ties, connect me with people who will care for me.
Show me your purpose for my life that I might be part of something bigger than myself. Give me vision, hope and promise.
Help me care for my body and keep it strong. Help me to eat well and keep fit.
Fill me with faith, trust, love, grace and peace.
Dear Parents,
There are always so many exciting learning opportunities happening at St Joseph's and so much to celebrate and be thankful for. What a busy few weeks we have had as we have come to the midway point of our term, with excellent learning activities taking place, inside the classroom and outside of the classroom. At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we provide an education where students are ‘at the heart of learning’, and all our endeavours are focused on the delivery of educational excellence and opportunities for young people to thrive as capable and competent learners and leaders for the world.
This has been evident by the number of students who have not only been very busy with their learning, but also they have been busy participating in quite a number of opportunities outside of the classroom. The benefits of learning that takes place outside of the classroom is highly important and research has shown that students who participate in these activities achieve higher academic results, better relationships at school and experience a greater sense of belonging to our school community and the wider community.
Reflecting on the opportunities presented to St Joseph’s students over the last few weeks and in the weeks to come, there has been extracurricular activities on offer to students each day. Some highlights have included:
- Zone Athletics Carnival
- Catholic Schools Week
- Family and Whole school Mass participation
- Whole school Assembly
- Bishop Greg's visit
- Choir, Band, Music Tuition
- 100 Days of Kindergarten
- Matilda Jnr the Musical rehersals
- Book Week activities
- Year 5 and Year 6 Camps later this Term
Congratulations to all the students for participating in these extracurricular opportunities and to the staff who have supported the students in these events.
Book Week
We are all looking forward to celebrating Book Week next week. This year's theme is: Read, Grow, Inspire. As always, we love the Book Week Parade wearing our Book Week costumes (Thursday 24 August, 9.00 am) The children will be dressed in their favourite book character and will take part in a morning Assembly to showcase their outfit. We will be holding this in the Ogilvie Hall and parents are most welcome to attend.
The Assumption of Mary
On 15 August, we celebrated the Assumption of Mary. The day marked our belief that when Mary died both her body and soul were taken to Heaven.
As a young woman, Mary made decisions to honour God by participating with God and doing her part in demonstrating love, the goodness of humanity and the importance humanity plays in God’s mission. In her humanity, Mary led others to recognise God’s holiness and she shows us that our humanity is sacramental. In the words of Fr Michael Himes, in reverencing humanity we cherish what unites us with God. ‘Whatever makes us more richly human makes us more like God.”
Perhaps Mary was taken body and soul, as Jesus was, to again remind us that being human is very good, so good that God chose humanity for God’s self to visibly enter our world. We dedicated this solemnity day with a whole school Mass which was celebrated by Fr Felix.
Pope Francis tells us:
“Today we are celebrating the “great things”. Mary is assumed into heaven: small and humble, she is the first to receive the highest glory. She, a human creature, one of us, attains eternity in soul and body.”
![The Assumption of Mary pic 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6367/230818120755291/1080x1440/the_assumption_of_mary_pic_1.jpg)
![The Assumption of Mary pic 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6368/230818120755888/1080x1440/the_assumption_of_mary_pic_2.jpg)
![The Assumption of Mary pic 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6369/230818120756412/1080x1440/the_assumption_of_mary_pic_3.jpg)
![The Assumption of Mary pic 4](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6370/230818120756929/1440x1080/the_assumption_of_mary_pic_4.jpg)
![The Assumption of Mary pic 5](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6371/230818120757503/1080x1440/the_assumption_of_mary_pic_5.jpg)
![The Assumption of Mary pic 6](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6372/230818120757961/1440x1080/the_assumption_of_mary_pic_6.jpg)
I would like to share our appreciation of the beautiful manner in which Bishop Gregory celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with our little people last Friday evening.
Bishop Gregory through his warmth and gentleness creates a very endearing connection for our children and their spiritual understanding and growth.
Confirmation Celebrated
The Bishop was again impressed with our young people and their obvious preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation reflects positively on their parents and teachers. In Our Lady of Lourdes Church the children once again demonstrated just how ready they were to take this next step into the life of a fully-formed Catholic. We were all very proud of St Joseph’s families and staff, and congratulate our Confirmation candidates on the reception of this Sacrament. A special thank you to our Stage 2 teachers, who always offer wonderful support to make our celebrations at St Joseph's a memorable experience.
100 Days of Kindergarten
![Kindergarten 100 Years pic 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6376/230818014432184/1440x810/kindergarten_100_years_pic_1.jpg)
![Kindergarten 100 Years pic 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6377/230818014432781/1440x1080/kindergarten_100_years_pic_2.jpg)
![Kindergarten 100 Years pic 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6378/230818014433368/1440x1186/kindergarten_100_years_pic_3.jpg)
![Kindergarten 100 Years pic 4](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6379/230818014433915/1440x1080/kindergarten_100_years_pic_4.jpg)
![Kindergarten 100 Years pic 5](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6380/230818014434484/1440x1080/kindergarten_100_years_pic_5.jpg)
![Kindergarten 100 Years pic 6](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6381/230818014435046/1080x1440/kindergarten_100_years_pic_6.jpg)
Fun School Photos 2023
![Fun School photos pic 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6387/230818015525744/1440x1080/fun_school_photos_pic_1.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6388/230818015526293/1440x1006/fun_school_photos_pic_2.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6389/230818015526797/1440x1080/fun_school_photos_pic_3.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 4](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6390/230818015527367/1440x1080/fun_school_photos_pic_4.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 5](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6391/230818015527940/1440x992/fun_school_photos_pic_5.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 6](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6392/230818015528496/1440x1080/fun_school_photos_pic_6.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 7](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6393/230818015529098/1440x1080/fun_school_photos_pic_7.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 8](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6394/230818015529629/1440x1080/fun_school_photos_pic_8.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 9](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6395/230818015530142/1440x896/fun_school_photos_pic_9.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 10](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6396/230818015530676/1440x978/fun_school_photos_pic_10.jpg)
![Fun School photos pic 11](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6397/230818015531226/1440x932/fun_school_photos_pic_11.jpg)
Catholic Schools Week
![Catholic Schools week pic 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6398/230818020503571/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_1.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6399/230818020504166/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_2.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6400/230818020504723/1440x1080/catholic_schools_week_pic_3.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 4](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6401/230818020505173/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_4.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 5](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6402/230818020505611/1440x1080/catholic_schools_week_pic_5.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 6](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6403/230818020506039/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_6.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 7](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6404/230818020506464/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_7.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 8](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6405/230818020506986/1440x1080/catholic_schools_week_pic_8.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 9](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6406/230818020507437/1328x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_9.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 10](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6407/230818020508047/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_10.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 11](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6408/230818020508590/1440x1080/catholic_schools_week_pic_11.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 12](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6409/230818020509026/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_12.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 13](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6410/230818020509528/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_13.jpg)
![Catholic Schools week pic 14](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6411/230818020510061/1080x1440/catholic_schools_week_pic_14.jpg)
Parent Communication
From the results of the most recent "Tell Them from Me" survey we understand it has been confusing to know where information about what's happening in the school is posted. With the introduction of Compass we are streamlining where information will be posted. Please note the following details in regard to how parents will be communicated with from the beginning of Term 4.
- Newsletter - This will be sent weeks 1, 5 & 10 each term
- Compass - Regular Newsfeeds- when information needs to be shared
- Compass - Parent Bookings, Events Permission Slips, Official School Letter, Student Diary e.g. PBS, Attendance
- Facebook - Promotional Material with Photos and stories, there will be no reminders
- Website - Will remain the same
- Dojo- will no longer be used for parent communication, this will be replaced with emails
- Canteen - Transitioning out of flexi - schools to COMPASS
- Seesaw - Sharing of student work
Diocesan Athletics Carnival - Coffs Harbour
![Coffs Harbour Pic 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6364/230818120431084/600x478/coffs_harbour_pic_1.jpg)
![Coffs Harbour Pic 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6365/230818120431530/1440x1248/coffs_harbour_pic_2.jpg)
![Coffs Harbour Pic 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpswauchope/media/6366/230818120432105/1440x1080/coffs_harbour_pic_3.jpg)
Book Week 2023 - Read Grow Inspire
School photography 2024 booked in for Term 1, Tuesday 9 April