2021 Week 9 Term 1 - School Open Thursday 25 March 2021
Dear Lord
Please protect the lives of all victims of this flood. Provide safe passage out of danger. Guide them to a place of dry and comfortable lodging. Provide them with clean drinking water and nutritious food. Provide a quick reunion of family members who have been separated.
Help them to communicate with extended family and friends. Help the many families who have lost their homes and their belongings because of this flood disaster.
It is hard to imagine the emotional suffering they are enduring, along with many short-term and long-term needs. Bring them comfort, Lord, and meet their immediate need for shelter and clothing and personal items. Help them to be able to rebuild their lives.
Dear Families
The past week has been very trying, and many people have felt the impacts of the flood one way or another. As a school community, we keep each and every one of you in our thoughts and prayers. With the sunshine coming out today, we know the cleanup process is only just beginning and for some, this will take weeks. We know when events like the last week happen, life changes for everyone. Impacts can include the loss of possessions, the loss of safety or health, or the death of loved ones or animals or indirectly the exposure of the event, whether that be through stories of family and friends affected, or by exposure to media (radio, television, newspapers and social media). Both of these exposures can have an immediate and lasting impact on our mental health and wellbeing. At St Joseph’s, we will support families in one way or another. If you require any support, including fee assistance, please contact the school office on 65851745.
If you have been directly impacted by the floods, you may also be eligible to have access to disaster assistance through the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) of $1000 per adult and $400 per child.
Please see the link https://www.disasterassist.gov.au/Pages/disasters/current-disasters/New-South-Wales/storms-floods-10-March-2021-onwards.aspx
Stage 1 Assembly
The Stage 1 Assembly that we scheduled for last Friday has been moved to Friday 24 April 2021 - Week 1 Term 2.
Sport & Excursions
Due to the current weather event, all non-essential travel of students and staff is cancelled. This has impacted;
Whole School Cross Country: Postponed Date T.B.A
At this stage a confirmed date for cross country cannot be given due to continued rainfall and the unlikelihood that council will open fields this term. We will endeavour to host the cross country carnival in week 1 of next term. The Zone carnival, which is held in Bowraville, will be held within the following week. The Zone sports coordinators are currently trying to postpone this date also as most schools within the Hastings region will not be able to host their own carnivals this term.
Diocesan Winter Sports Trials: Postponed Date T.B.A
We had 3 students who were meant to attend trials in Grafton on Friday 26th March, however this has again been postponed. Further information is waiting to be received in regards to these trials and will be passed on immediately to those families involved.
Diocesan Winter Sports Trials: Rugby League Tuesday 30th March
We had 3 students who were meant to attend trials in Grafton on Friday 26 March 2021, however this has now been changed to Tuesday 30 March 2021.
Opens & under 11's. CHANGE OF VENUE as grounds are closed at Grafton. New Venue is Ken Leeson Oval at Illuka (corner of Spencer and Owen Streets).
Time: 9.00 am til 2.00pm.
Please bring all personal rugby league gear eg safety gear. A mouth guard is COMPULSORY
6th sense Presentation Stage 3: rescheduled - Tuesday 27th April (Week 2)
Timbertown excursion Stage 3: rescheduled - Term 2 Date T.B.A
Band: No band Week 9 or 10. Band lessons will recommence in Term 2
Bullying No Way/Harmony day activities - SRC led activities within the school that were originally set to take place on Friday 19th March will take place on Monday 29 March 2021, Week 10 Term 1.
Whole School Rewards will take place on Thursday 1 April 2021. The type of activity will be determined by the PBS team later in the week.
Whole School Write
Who loves a good selfie?
Police! Police! Police! That’s right, the police are still gathering evidence and proof of which brazen teacher took Mr Kiely’s car. We have had the Wauchope police squad contact us as they continue to examine evidence and cross check witnesses.
Look below to see a new lead in the case with a photo the ‘selfie loving culprit’ took before Mr Kiely’s car went missing on Monday morning.
NAPLAN Practice Test
In preparation for NAPLAN Online, our school is required to participate in practice tests. Practice tests will be available in the online assessment platform and will take place at St Joseph’s in Week 10 Term 1.
Participation in the practice tests is highly beneficial for schools and students in their preparation for NAPLAN Online, as it allows schools and students to become familiar with the online assessment platform and processes.
The practice tests include an omnibus test (combination of reading, conventions of language and numeracy questions) and a writing test. The omnibus test and the writing test run for 45 minutes and 42 minutes respectively. All students in Years 5 participate in both tests. Students in Year 3 participate in the omnibus test only.
Below is a link of a short video showcasing the benefits of the NAPLAN practice test for both teachers and students alike.